Job Details: Mental Health Ireland: Request for Tender - Website Redesign

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Mental Health Ireland: Request for Tender - Website Redesign
should make all efforts to model
our key strategic and communications objectives, which include:

* Delivery of clear, consistent brand messaging
* Be audience-driven and accurately shape and develop enhanced user
experiences and journeys

Also, our new website should:

* Demonstrate excellent design standards according to best industry
practice in terms of usability, accessibility, navigation, content and
* Include an effective CMS which is agile and efficient to manage,
and which includes legacy training materials beyond the initial
training provided.
* Be accessible to all, and adhere to the standards as set out at
* Allow for integrations into CRM, payment platforms and intranet
* Have a visual design that is clean, appealing and strongly aligned
with MHI’s brand and on-message


Mental Health Ireland’s website redesign will begin as soon as
possible and will be relaunched to the public in March **Apply on the
website**. This will include full CMS access, template and site
design, information architecture and overall UX design. User testing
of the site will be necessary before launch.
_We expect the appointed developers to be able to devote sufficient
resources to the project to meet this timescale, and contracts will
include financial penalties for late delivery._


Tenderers are asked to submit their proposal by November 1st and
should include:

* Full registered business/company name, main office address and
contact details
* Details/background of the organisation and financial standing.
Please provide a banker’s reference (dated not more than 3 months
old) which will set out the financial standing of your firm and
confirm your firm’s ability to meet the contract should you be
* An Auditors Statement (dated not more than 3 months old) showing
your firm’s turnover for the last 3 financial years

* Confirmation that you can provide a current tax clearance
certificate should you be appointed to this contract. Information on
the Irish Revenue Commissioners can be found at

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Others

Apply for this Job Offer
Name: (*) 
Email: (*) 
Phone: (*) 
Please Provide a Cover in the English Language.
CV: (*) 
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